Hitler said quite specificly he was a Catholic, "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."
"God with us," was the Nazi motto on military belt buckles
so why do people deny it? and as the Pope didn't disown him or his actions, was he tacitly agreeing with it as a holy war?
Do people deny Hitler was a Catholic and Nazis had religious slogans on their belts?
Hitler stated he was a Catholic and Nazis did indeed had religious slogans on their belts.
Articles in Aish. Re Pope Pius.
Reply:thanks for what -spreading hate filled lies?!?!? Report It
Reply:Hitler knew how to use religious, political, and philosophical ideas to his advantage. He knew what the people believed in and peppered his propaganda with any slogan that would make them feel that their ideas were right. Hitler had no Christian beliefs at all. He never attended church, he was never observed praying, and paid no attention to religious leaders unless they could be cajoled into supporting him politically. The fact that the Pope did not disown him says more about that Pope than Hitler.
If you study a lot about Hitler, as I have, you would see the influence of several religions that he felt supported his ideas. He increasingly promoted Teutonic paganism as a German national religion. No one who knows anything about Hitler would claim that he had Christian beliefs of any kind.
As for the idea that he was part Jewish, his father's mother was unmarried when she became pregnant with his father. She refused to name the father and it was suspected it might have been her Jewish employer. Hitler's father took the name of her husband when she married, or else Adolph's last name would have been Schicklgruber.
Reply:Hitler said whatever necessary to gain the respect of the German people. They were a very religious people, Catholic and Protestant. Hitler sought to bring them together, Catholics beside Protestants, into one state church. There is a lot of evidence pointing to this.
Protestants and Catholics alike turned to Hitler as though he were a god. Protestants and Catholics alike were murdered for fighting the Nazis on issues like euthanasia and the persecution of the Jews. It was madness, but many rose above it whether Protestant or Catholic.
Luther spoke very harshly against the Jews. So did many Catholic priests. No church was guilty as a church. Individuals acted either in a Christian manner or an unChristian manner. It was a time of upheaval on the grandest scale and a time when everyone's most basic faults or virtues arose to the surface in the form of action.
I think that what the Pope did wasn't much different from what Neville Chamberlain did, but I'm no scholar on the issue.
Reply:Hitler claimed alot of things he wasn't Nazis killed catholics too as for the pope everybody in that regime was forced into the Hitler youth!
Hitlers intention was to wipe out Christan's too in fact he intended that for everyone who didn't fit the sadistic Aryan Ideal!
And we all know what that sick twisted Nazi regime did in those camps!!
Reply:Of course people deny it, just like there are people who deny the Holocaust even happened (or at least try to say it was highly exaggerated, and that death camps didn't exist).
He called himself a Catholic, yes. That doesn't mean that the Catholic religion itself is bad. This can be compared to Muslim terrorists - they call themselves Muslim, but don't exactly follow their own religion's teachings very well.
Reply:In an interesting parallel, Charles Manson who was part black hated black people, and he formed a lot of his weird obssessions based on the writings and actions of Adolf Hitler. I believe Hitler was only 1/4 Jewish but that was enough to fuel his hatred towards them and all other foreigners when he was a youth in Vienna. In the early 20th century after the first world war, he was angry and disallusioned after being rejected for a scholarship in art school there. Just think, if he had gotten into an art college - wonder where things would have gone differently?
Reply:There is no denying that Hitler had dealings with the Catholic Church and that he had the blessing of the Pope in whatever he decided to undertake. Was Hitler a Catholic? could very well have been. Was Hitler a Christian? no he was not. History will attest to that fact. Before someone mentions the Crusades and Inquisition, they were both hatched by the Roman Catholic Church not Christians.
Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini are referred to as the three demons of the 20th century and interestingly enough the Friedrich Nietzsche dogma influenced each of them. So profound was the effect that Nietzsche had on Hitler, that it provided the conceptual framework for his demagogical onslaught to obliterate the weak and inferior of the world.
The question I now need to ask, what sort of light does that shed upon the Catholic Church for giving Hitler it's blessings in his maniacal pursuit of the extinguishing the lives of 6 million Jews not to mention his own people.
It matters not to me if Hitler claimed to be Catholic. I am not Catholic nor will I ever become Catholic.
Reply:I don't know enough about the Pope's involvement to answer that part of your question.
Per Hitler: he began as a Catholic. I believe what you are quoting is from Mein Kampf. However, his ultimate goal was to discard Christianity and the Bible and replace it with an amalgam of Indo-European folk religions, what he thought was the ancestral religion of his precious "Aryan" race. He found Jesus to be a weakling, and since Jesus was a Jew, there was no way Jesus could have a part in Hitler's dream world.
Hitler and some of his closest advisors were intrigued with theosophy and the idea that the master race came from Tibet or somewhere. Great effort was expended to try and find an ethnic link with these people. (Odd, since Tibetans certainly aren't blonde and blue-eyed.)
But in the final analysis, Hitler's religion doesn't matter; millions of Christians went along with him. If they had stood up to him, he would have been just a failed painter, not a mass murderer. His followers are the ones who will have to answer for not adhering to their religion of peace and brotherhood.
Reply:eewwwwwww. it was pointed out to me that the catholic children are not being taken from their families for what the church leaders have done to them, only mormons and apocolyptic groups of protestants.
does that make you nervous
it lends credence to your question. i guess definately it is possible the catholic church let it go on with hitler's go.
Reply:So what, The pope didn't excommunicate Ted Kennedy for Mary jo, nor did he excommunicate Ted Kennedy, John Kerry and any of the others for pushing partial birth abortion where the brains of living babies are sucked out of the back of their heads with a vacuum.
Reply:I do not know what Hitlers religious beliefs were and it does not matter to me. If he did claim to be Catholic then he was a horribly sinful Catholic. He was not the first but He may very well have been the worst. One cannot say that the fact that some claiming to be Catholic are sinners or even horrible ones like Hitler does not reflect on the Church but on that individual who chooses evil over righteousness.
In Christ
Fr. Joseph
Reply:I'm not so concerned that Hitler identified himself as a Catholic, as I am that the Catholic hierarchy "saluted" or "heiled" Hitler. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words".
Did you know that the Roman salute is a gesture in which the arm is held out forward straight with palm down?
Reply:a men frog - actions speak louder then words. ALSO Catholics understand that Salation is a GIFT and as the Apostle Paul tells us -- we are to be working out of Salvation day by day.
I deny it because Catholics do NOT believe once saved always saved. we understand that faith without works IS DEAD
You do realize satan knows who Jesus Christ is, however does nothing to achieve the Salvation offered.
Reply:Some Christians have a lot invested in their idea that ALL non-Christians are violent and inhumane while ALL Christians are kind and generous and gentle. In my own observation, though I do know some Christians who are very good people, in general, on the whole, I wouldn't say that their faith or their beliefs make them gentler, more humane or kinder.
Reply:You know something? Anyone can say that they are Catholic, protestants, believers in Christ, whatever- but that does not mean they are FOLLOWERS. There is a huge difference- God with us- is Jesus Christ, and I call tell you that Hitler did not follow the one he claimed to believe in because if he did- he would not have killed anyone, let alone 1,000s upon 1,000s of Jews.
Reply:Hitler may have been nominally a Catholic, but that has little to do with his actions -- and even less to do with what the Church was then, or is now. The Church is useless, but it is not venal.
Reply:He was confirmed as a Roman Catholic at his mother's wishes. He was NEVER Jewish, nor did he have Jewish ancestors.
He did, however, try to replace Christianity with National Socialism (nazi party) with the people.
Reply:By Law: they all were guilty
By Grace: we all are innocent
Matthew 6:14,15 (Rom 2:11)
If not Hitler then not you either
Reply:You know why they deny it. They believe that if THEY think it was wrong, then some OTHER religious group had to have done it. As for the Pope... his history speaks for itself.
Reply:Because anything associated with Hitler is considered evil.
There's an entire logical fallacy built around it.
Reply:LMAO Hitler a Catholic?
More like Satan
He obviouisly didn't know what a Cahtolic was to call himself CAtholic
Reply:anothe killing machine and a child molester and an agreed psychopath, using the cristian as a podium to do gods work good going again catholics.
Reply:Actions speak louder than words.
Reply:Did you also know that those buckles were left over from the 1st World War?
Reply:You do know his mom was Jewish right?
Reply:if he is, he also killed fellow Catholics. what's the point of the question again?
Reply:+ Hitler +
Although Hitler was raised in a Catholic family, he turned away from Christianity at an early age.
Automatic excommunication happens when Catholics commit certain offensives. This happens as soon as the offense is committed.
Adolf Hitler committed the following offenses resulting in automatic excommunication:
- Apostasy - the formal renunciation of one's religion. Hitler specifically rejected the Catholic Church, as well as Christianity in general. He described himself as "a complete pagan.”
- Heresy - a doctrine in theology, religion, philosophy, or politics at variance with those of the Catholic Church. Nazism is definitely heretical to Christianity.
There was no reason for the Catholic Church to excommunicate Hitler. He did it all by himself.
For Hitler's own words against Christianity, see: http://www.geocities.com/chiniquy/Hitler...
For more information about excommunication, see: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05678a.h...
And: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excommunica...
+ Pope Pius XII +
"Pius XII? This is the only human being who has always contradicted me and who has never obeyed me." Adolf Hitler --- from Hans Jansen's The Silent Pope? (2000)
In October 1958 in front of the at the United Nations General Assembly, Golda Meir, the Prime Minister of Israel, said of Pope Pius XII at his death :
''During the 10 years of Nazi terror, when our people went through the horrors of martyrdom, the Pope raised his voice to condemn the persecutors and commiserate with their victims.''
Some of the Jewish organizations that praised Pope Pius XII at the time of his death for saving Jewish lives during the horror of the Nazi Holocaust were:
+ The World Jewish Congress
+ The American Jewish Committee
+ The American Jewish Congress
+ The Anti-Defamation League
+ The Central Conference of American Rabbis
+ The National Conference of Christians and Jews
+ The National Council of Jewish Women.
+ The New York Board of Rabbis
+ The Rabbinical Council of America
+ The Synagogue Council of America
No serious scholar contests the evidence that Pius XII took direct and indirect measures to save Jews from the Nazi death machine.
At the start of World War II, Pope Pius XII’s first encyclical was so anti-Hitler that the Royal Air Force and the French air force dropped 88,000 copies of it over Germany. Here is a link to the Summi Pontificatus: Encyclical of Pope Pius XII on the Unity of Human Society, October 20, 1939: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/pius_x...
Unfortunately the Soviet Union and others had been trying to convince the world that the Catholic Church was pro-Nazi since the death of Pope Pius in 1958. Here are some sources:
+ The KGB made corrupting the Church a priority: http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=YTU...
+ The KGB campaign against Pius XII: http://www.the-tidings.com/2007/021607/d...
+ Pius XII and the Jews: http://web.archive.org/web/2001091910070...
+ http://www.columbia.edu/cu/augustine/a/w...
See also "The Myth of Hitler’s Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews From the Nazis" by Rabbi David G. Dalin which has compiled further overwhelming proof of Pope Pius XII"s friendship for the Jews beginning long before he became pope.
"Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration because the Church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly. "
- Albert Einstein, Time Magazine, December 23, 1940 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/articl...
See also:
+ The Holy See vs. the Third Reich by Ronald J. Rychlak http://soli.inav.net/~jfischer/oct98/ron...
+ Jewish Historian Praises Pius XII's Wartime Conduct by Michael Tagliacozzo http://academics.smcvt.edu/pcouture/jewi...
+ Did Pius XII Remain Silent? by Fr William Saunders http://catholiceducation.org/articles/re...
+ Cornwell's Cheap Shot at Pius XII by Dr. Peter Gumpel http://www.catholicculture.org/library/v...
+ Pius XII and the Jews: The War Years, as reported by the New York Times by by Rev. Msgr. Stephen M. DiGiovanni, H.E.D. http://www.catholicleague.org/pius/piusn...
+ Righteous Gentile: Pope Pius XII and the Jews by Rabbi David Dalin, Ph. D. http://www.catholicleague.org/pius/dalin...
+ With love in Christ.
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