Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why Is Religiosity So Hard To Cure?

If religion is so central to the successful waging of war - it hardly seems to be a debatable point - it would seem obvious that if we were to eliminate religion we would remove the emotional and “moral” impetus for war. While it would be unrealistic to suppose that that would eliminate war altogether, it would certainly make war much harder to initiate and maintain. Peace would become the norm of human existence, not the exception. Without the talismanic Gott mit uns on our belt buckles, we would have to think twice before marching off to fight the benighted infidels.

Is possible to believe in God without any kind of Religiosity?

Why Is Religiosity So Hard To Cure?
War can be sustained through a number of means. Religion is one - but nationalism, economics and resource attainment are others. I'd venture to say that economics plays a greater role in most historical wars than does religion - especially true since the 19th century.

The bloodiest war in U.S. history (the civil war) had virtually nothing to do with religion per se.
Reply:This seems a very naive supposition. People wage war because they want to force their will upon others. Some people use religion for this purpose, but most use wealth and land control (see history for support of this basic fact). Getting rid of religion would not change basic human nature. In fact, it would probably emphasize the violent nature of it.
Reply:The worst tyrants in history were atheists. Many atheists used religion to serve their purpose in war and this is not concealed to any degree. This doesn't make religion the cause of war.
Reply:Why is atheism, skepticism, scoffing and mocking so hard to cure?

If people were REALLY religious ("Love God", "love your neighbor", "love your enemies"), there would be no need for war.

Jesus said "I leave you my peace." Peace with God, and peace with others.

War is totally contrary to Christianity, and those who use the Bible as their springboard to war are no better than those who use the Bible to justify getting drunk (like a friend of mine confessed to doing prior to becoming a Christian).

It's also no better than atheists, skeptics, scoffers and mockers declaring a verbal war against Christians.
Reply:you are confusing religion and faith, but I think it is intentional.

"hard to cure"... religion=disease...

atheists have blood on their hands just as religious people, ever heard of Stalin or Pol Pot ?

res ipsa loquitur.
Reply:Gott ist tot
Reply:Why do Atheists use the religion causes war line..when China and Russia the Atheistic countries have such a rotten record of peace, love and good will? Do you read history? Do you study psychology, or do you spend your lives religion bashing?

small business

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