Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why are so many people on here against sex?

Seriously it seems that at least 3/4 of the people on here are anti-sex. Every time a sex question comes up most people say it's wrong outside of marriage or you shouldn't before you're at least 18. I don't know anyone in my personal life who feels that way except for my parents. Is Yahoo Answers being overrun with Puritans? Do you people all run around in black hats with buckles? I just don't get it. I'm 15 years old and I have a healthier view of sex than most people on here. Sex is enjoyable and there's nothing wrong with it. Also everyone always mentions STD's and pregnancy right away. Have you people heard of condoms? You can have sex safely if you use your brain. Am I the only one who's really irritated with these answers?

Why are so many people on here against sex?
You are a smart girl at 15! I agree with you, there is nothing wrong with sex and as long as you are responsible you should be okay.

I personally haven't seen too many prudish answers as you have, maybe a few here and there.
Reply:Whatever, skank.

Since you're "15"- shouldn't you be in school? Or are you practicing for a life on welfare pecking away at your computer all day not learning anything.
Reply:welcome to america... the same country that flipped out when we saw janet jackson's nipple at the super bowl. it was just a nipple and who likes sex? i like ice cream!
Reply:I'm on your side Defo!!!
Reply:Here's a few things to think about.Condoms are only 97% effective and some people don't know how to use them correctly. Alot of people out there have kids b4 their ready and the child always end up suffering. Alot of women have 3 kids by 3 different fathers. If people have STD and use a condom there's still a 3% chance that they will infect there partner. Sex is something special and should not be treated like a sport.
Reply:People are quite often dishonest when it comes to answering sex related questions. I guess the people who openly feel different are out there doin' it, not wasting time with their computers.

"The E'Ville Librarian"
Reply:You are a gross little girl. You don't know how bad you are ruining your life. Wait to have sex once you're married.
Reply:maybe ... condoms are anything but 100% eeffective against pregnancy and STDs (please note that I am not saying that they are not effective ... of course they are ... but they are definitely no guarantee).

peoples view of the world generally changes quiet a lot between the age 14 and 21 ... take it from someone who has "been there, done that, got the t-shirt" and especially the view of things like sex and relationships. I am not sure I know anyone who thinks sex is not fun but a grown up view puts it in the right place and right time with the right person. most people can spot the really bad cases but I personally know smart, careful people who have got really burned when things went wrong. also check the "age of consent" laws for your area carefully ... you might well find that having sex at 15 is illegal, like it or not (and if you pay attention to the news you will realize that the consequences can be unreasonably harsh, like it or not)

bottom line is ... it sounds like people are giving good advice, whether or not you like it is another story.
Reply:Look most of the people on here are adults. and any adult is going to be just like your parents and tell you if you are not 18 do not have sex. For one yes sex is enjoyable but I do not want to think about a 15 year old child (yes i said child) Having sex. You will not be an adult until you are 18. You are still a kid. You can not even hold a job right now because you are not of legal age yet. Sex is not just something you do it is an emotional commitment and something that should only be shared with someone you truly love not just a little boy who thinks they are a man. Please try and understand it is children like you that have accidents and start posting things like I am pregnant how do I tell my parents. Condoms are NOT 100%. Nothing is. Hope this helps you to understand.

I was just like you when I was young and thought I knew everything. I really found out that I knew nothing when I found out I was pregnant at the age of 17 and yes I was on birth control. Nothing is for certain. I did have a miscarrage at 3 months.

Your right sex is great and feels wonderful but not at that age of 15. please take it from someone who knows. and by the way if you think it makes the boys like you better. Just think of what they are saying about you when your back is turned. Like she is easy, she is a whore, she will give it up, go out with her. That is the only reason they will call

ADDED: By the way I have looked at your other question and girl you have alot of growing up to do. Please you are way to young to be having sex
Reply:sex is great, but u do not broad cast it when u are only 15. most people know that 15 yr. olds are doing it, hell i was at 15, u just dont talk about it and expect it to be ok. its like smoking **** u just dont advertise that u do it.
Reply:Condoms don't prevent STD's, it can only 'reduce' risk. And very few people in the whole world think that sharing their spouse with someone else is a really keen idea. So you're in the minority. But, you have a right to your proclivities.
Reply:Your parents also have a healthy view of sex they just don't want you to know about it.
Reply:Relax Cho. People don't practice what they preach half the time.
Reply:You shouldn't have sex!!

Reply:I am neither Puritan nor abstinent. What I am is in a position to understand the risks and be able to deal with them. You are not.

You cannot have safe sex with a liar, and you won't really know someone is lying to you until after you get the STD. Think you are ready to be a mom? Think again. Oh but I forgot, condoms will save you. They are 100% effective after all, aren't they? They can't even claim that in a factory testing center, so how effective are they really when a 16-18 year old child with his hormones in overdrive is trying to use it?

I realize you think you know everything at 15, but you really have no idea about life yet. And when you are 25-28 you will realize just how little you knew at 15. I just hope for your sake that you aren't caring for a 8-year old with AIDS at that point.
Reply:15 year old kids shouldn't have a view of sex, you are a child.

Sex is great, when you are AN ADULT.
Reply:Ah! To be young again and know all the answers. It doesn't seem fair that you only find out the questions when you develop maturity.
Reply:Accidents happen as far as the STDs and pregnancy. There's nothing wrong with people considering sex to be something sacred between a couple. In fact...I think that's a lot healthier than all the people who are in here talking about peeing on each other!!
Reply:I lost my virginity well before I turned 18. I must admit, it was great fun. This being said, I was not prepared for the dangers that sex presents.

I don't buy into any kind of organized religion, so don't think I'm biased. I'm all about pre-marital sex. I think that marriage without pre-marital sex is a mistake.

This being said, things go wrong when you have sex. Not often, but they do here and there. A condom works most of the time, but they do break, which can lead to a number of problems, which you are undoubtedly aware of. Most of those problems are not things you should or can deal with at your age.

Condoms will also do nothing to prevent a handful of STD's. I know what it's like to be a teen. Don't get me wrong. When I was younger, I thought that STD's always happen to some distant person. Well, a friend of mine got HIV while we were in college. He was generally very safe, and how he got it, we don't know. Obviously no one I know will confess to having HPV or HSV2, but statistically speaking, A LOT of people I know have both. You cannot prevent either with a condom. While neither will kill you, both are a nuissance, and one of them can lead to cancer which can sterilize or kill you, or both, in that order.

If you are going to be sexually active, for pete's sake get on the pill. Condoms will only prevent you from getting knocked up for so long.

One more thing. Keep in mind that you are, in fact, a teenager. That means, matter of factly, that your hormones are still going nuts. This has been shown to affect decision making skills, mood swings, and aggression. While you may think that this doesn't apply to you, be conscious of the fact, that everyone, as a teenager, does not have as good judgement as they will have 10 years down the road.

You can safely disregard all the fundies on here as they have other motives for telling you what they do. But make sure that you are well versed on what you are doing, and the statistics if you plan on having sex.
Reply:Quite frankly what I find irritating is the fact that our society has managed to rear a generation of children who feel the same way YOU do!

Sex outside of marriage goes against Biblical teaching for a reason - it's unhealthy spiritually, physically and mentally!

I'm 45 years old, had sex for the first time at age 30 on my wedding night, and don't regret my decision one bit! I'm stable in every way, and my husband is faithful to me, which in this day and age is also rare!
Reply:Perhaps it's because sex is an adult activitiy with a number of lasting consequences and should not be entered into by someone immature. Sure it's enjoyable, but it's also something of an adult pleasure. at 15, if you get pregant ot get someone pregnant, who do you think is going to take care of that child? What kind of a job are you fit for at 15? Additionally, sex causes the release of brain chemicals that cause bonding...particularly in females...random sex indiscriminatly sometimes winds up making you unable to bond when you want to. No one is saying sex is bad, but that sex is serious and not like just skipping rope. But you wn't listen to me, I know , because you're 15 and you know EVERYTHING already. Good luck.
Reply:I don’t think anyone is against sex, I think it is more about being at an appropriate age, at an appropriate time, with the right person - preferably “YOUR spouse”.

Not enough people cherish their rights to remain a virgin anymore, as they seem to rather count how many they can get instead.
Reply:i am not against sex, but do think 15 is a little young for having sex.
Reply:Its not that everyone is puritananical. You are looking through the eyes of a 15 year old..Its fun and you want to play. There is nothing wrong with sex if you have the maturity and commitment to deal with it. It takes some age to realize that you need that maturity. Until then it is nothing more than a game. When you get older you realize that you have wasted something special for so little reward. It is much better when approached less like a fun game and more like a total commitment. Less hurt feelings and less emotional distress later.
Reply:I know what you are saying. Like yea, it probubly is right to wait till marriage to have sex, due to pregnancy and sti's. And how protection isnt always 100% working, but still wut if we dont get married are we gonna b virgins 4 the rest of our lives. And it is making people feel bad who don't wait.
Reply:I agree with you.
Reply:Sex is long as your partner knows what he's doing! :-)
Reply:becuase they ugly and they can't get no ***.
Reply:I say if it feels good DO IT
Reply:SEX ROCKS!!!!
Reply:I dunno who would be against sex I am on your side girl!

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