Sunday, March 14, 2010

Since Britain sent Pilgrims to populate American, is it their fault that the US is run by religious wackos?

Who's big idea was it to settle a country with people who wore belt buckles on their hats?

Since Britain sent Pilgrims to populate American, is it their fault that the US is run by religious wackos?
Actually the Puritans didn't leave England to "escape religious persecution." They were KICKED OUT because they were persecuting everyone else, and trying to overthrow the government of England to establish a theocratic state. And I think the belt buckle on the hat thing is so they could keep their heads on straight; too bad it didn't work.
Reply:Short answer no,long answer...well okay first of all America was colonised beacuse the British Empire saw an opportunity plus it would annoy the hell out of spain and france, it needed volunteers to sail over and become more permanent to give them stability (but yes the pilgrims on THE Mayflower were escaping religious prosecution), so the religiously intolerant allowed religiously intolerant people to set up shop in america but in their defense they lost control having no idea the fragile prides that would be created and force them off the country they helped create in the first place.

I think America should deal with America, your your own problem and worst enemy.
Reply:Britain did not send them. They originally left for the New World to escape the state established/official church, the Anglican Church of England. They were religious wackos in their own right.

Go back and hit the books again.
Reply:well, since blair is your little lap dog, why don't you ask him....
Reply:Yeah - everything's our fault!
Reply:Well I'd say no its not our fault since the forefathers who knew they were committing high treason but knew they were doing the right thing - and from our vantage point today any thinking person realises they did something wonderful and idealistic.

If you look at the constitution and the bill of rights one thing might leap out at you. Its secular. Jefferson and others were not very religious at all and the blind faith eating away at the heart of America today would have horrified them.

They never wanted a theocracy and I think they'd spin in their graves if they knew a born-again christian who claimed that 'God told him to invade Iraq' and such nonsense was in the white house.

I'd go in to w h y the US is in the grip of such religious nuts but that wasnt your question was it.
Reply:The Dutch went there first. New York was found by a man called Hudson who worked for a Dutch west Indian company. They sent settlers and it was called New Amsterdam and the mayor was a fella called Peter Styvesant. It was only after the Dutch that the Brits came and changed it to New York. If you look at a lot of American cities and Towns the Dutch had their mitts on them way before the Brits.

Blame the Dutch
Reply:nah id blame the germans and the dutch
Reply:You have it wrong on several accounts here Bushwhacker.

The pilgrims came here to escape persecution, they were not sent by the crown. But of course once they were here the crown wanted to manipulate and control them.

The belt buckles were radio receivers that allowed them to receive messages from Venus.

NOT... just kidding.

It was just a fashion thing like buckles on shoes or a scarf on a warm day, or a leather coat. Get over it sheeesh!

It's a good thing they risked life and limb to come here and establish what would become a base for free and democratic rule or the atheists would be getting flogged in the public square and maybe burned at the stake as heretics. That is what happened in jolly old England if you didn't worship exactly as the king dictated. If America had not founded democratic rule it likely would never have happened. So Atheists owe some respect to Christians for giving them the freedom and the right to spew their god hating rhetoric without fear of being flogged or sent to prison. Gee, I'll bet that hurts their pride to hear that!!!!
Reply:Yes and I say Thank God
Reply:First thing is Britain didn't send Pilgrims here, they decided to move here. It wasn't just for freedom of religion it was to have their own community ran as they saw fit. America isn't run by religious wackos. It is ran by the constitution and all the RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS it guarantees. Try to find another place where you can call someone an IDIOT for asking a really stupid question and not be jailed or executed for it along with other things. It was the fashionable dress at the time, you would have worn the hat with a belt buckle to including hosiery. THE MEN WORE THEM THEN.
Reply:Thanks to them in sending the so-call wackos.

Am able to trace your misery and survival and advancement of yourself in planet of apes.
Reply:Those religious wackos founded a country that was extremely prosperous(even for the atheists) for 200 years until you secular wackos took over the country in the 1960's with your sexual revolution and since then crime has gone up about 4000% and abortion, sexual transmitted diseases, Aids, divorce, single women with kids,suicides, kids born out of wedlock, the prison population and a whole host of other negative statistics have gone through the stratosphere, not to mention the education and SAT scores that have fallen through the floor. People ask me "what do you want to do, go back to the days of Ozzie and Harriet and Leave it to Beaver". If you're asking me whether I'd like to go back to the days when I could leave my front door unlocked all night long as well as my car door and not worry that anything would happen, YES, I'd like to go back to those days. Unfortunately, those days are long gone and we've gone past the point of no return in this country, so put on your combat helmet, the worst is still to come. The flower children have taken over.
Reply:Pray tell, would you rather Osama or Ahmadinejad be our leaders?

I Cr 13;8a

Reply:I wonder if the SMART, NON-RELIGIOUS PEOPLE will EVER have the balls to go and populate some foreign, uninhabited[?] country on their own? ...Hmm, must I hold my breath on that?

For sure I won't blame anyone at all for that very bold move indeed. In fact, I know that it will DEFINITELY BENEFIT humanity and all concerned...

Peace be with you.
Reply:Did you take history in school 'cause if you didn't I could possibly understand why you'd ask such a question.

Like today....that was the way they dressed. I wonder what those settelers would think of the latest...with tight belly-bearing tops and butts hanging out? Interesting thought, huh?
Reply:Okay, you now know how to choose a cutsie user id. Next we can try History 101. The Pilgrims escaped to America, hardly were sent. US is run by the military-industrical complex w/ a nifty tie to Congress. You can judge them how you want. Belt buckles on their hats has nothing to do w/ your query. Please explain why you felt it relevant to be so irrelevant.
Reply:If they had not come here- the UK would have become overcrowed and ran out of room- the belt buckle was a fashion statement- you left off the white curly wigs and powder!! Better to be religious than a free for all were there is no right or wrong-D
Reply:Yes. I say we send them back!
Reply:Hardly. Yours?

neutral skin tone

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