Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bronze bits/ heavy bits?

I've got a loose ring snaffle that's made out of bronze. Does anyone know the purpose of the bronze? Are these bits used for a certain reason? I got it to match my bridle with bronze buckles etc, but I figured before I switched I should ask what the purpose of the bronze is. I know that copper is supposed to make them slobber more, and I don't want to accidentally use a bit that has other purposes other than just being a bit.

Also is there a reason that the bit would be heavier than normal bits? Will this effect my horse at all?

Bronze bits/ heavy bits?
a lot of bits are made from bronze but are usually chromed or german nickle plated..bronze is actually a good material for bits and have been made out of bronze for thousands of years..however it is heavy but this can be a good thing and it also oxidises leaving a dark green patina that will have to be cleaned often but when it is clean it looks like gold..i have bronze flatwear i use everyday...

EDIT: bronze is actually harder and stronger than wrought iron and was used for weapons and tools..
Reply:As long as you have soft and loose hands, a bronze bit won't hurt your horse.

Bronze bits are heavier, so if you have unsteady hands, or hit your horses teeth a lot, don't use it.

However, if your hands are good, the bit will be heavier, so it will settle the weight along his mouth nicely.
Reply:Bronze is a soft metal, are you sure that is what it is made of as I dont think it would be very safe. If it is made of Aurigan or German silver it is actually a form of copper amalgam and its purpose is to create a different chemical reaction to steel in the horses mouth, which is why they tend to salivate more freely. Aurigan or KK bits are technologically advanced and scientifically designed to be of optimum comfort and effect. The weight of a bit has an effect on the horses performance, we have heavier bits because they sit more securely across the bars and are not so easily caught up in the corner teeth by the horse. A very delicate araby type would not be as comfortable in a heavier bit as the warmblood competition horse that it was designed for. If your bit is indeed bronze then do be aware that as a soft metal it will be prone to wearing at the edges , and is possibly unsafe for serious usage. I have never seen a bronze bit for sale in the UK.
Reply:Watch out for heavier snaffles...I've seen really heavy ones and the horses disliked them; they'll shake their heads and get banged in the mouth....some of the working cow horse trainers have no use for them for the very same reason......
Reply:horses are gross. don't even go near them
Reply:I %26lt;3333 HORSIES SO MUCH

plz use the heavy bitz

fashion accessories

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